
Argyle 712
Argyle 729
Argyle 745
Argyle 839

Argyle, Wisconsin, is located in Lafayette County in southeastern part of the state at the intersection of state highways 78 and 81 about 15 miles northwest of Monroe.

After having their first pick, Hazel Green, denied on the basis that a Hazel Green already existed in Wisconsin, Allen Wright (of Scotland) proposed Argyle as the new name for the village. He had been a tenant of the Duke of Argyle (Argyll).

Argyle has about 800 people who don't live very close to any large town. The location itself was originally known as a decent place to ford the Pecatonica River (East Branch).

Note that the Argyle 839 stamp pictured above is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise because it's the orientation of the precancel that's important here.